Company Profile

Technical Research Association Inc
Profile last edited on: 11/3/18      CAGE: 2V273      UEI:

Business Identifier: Hyperspectral processing
Year Founded
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Location Information

424 Arneill Road Suite B
Camarillo, CA 93010
   (805) 987-1972
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 26
County: Ventura

Public Profile

Technical Research Associates Inc specializes in the development of algorithms and processing systems for multi-spectral and hyperspectral sensors. TRA has been an active participant in the DOE/LLNL hyperspectral program, the Air Force hyperspectral program and the Army IED Detection Program. As part of these programs, TRA has participated in the planning of and support for field experiments, the reduction and analysis of data, and the evaluation of algorithms. The firm has also developed a massively parallel processing architecture for image processing that combines general purpose multiprocessing and GPU acceleration. This allows high-speed power-efficient processing of large hyperspectral data sets. The firms’ parallel image processing architecture is able to handle memory management, kernel code compilation, program execution, data transfer, and notifications for image processing tasks. The architecture is OpenCL based and has been used in low-power computers, embedded systems, and high-end workstations. TRA's parallel processing architecture can be used from either standard C++ or the user-friendly PYTHON scripting language. Additionally, TRA has a large library of software tools for performing statistics on images and performing warping and mapping of images. TRA has had a series of sensor processing contracts with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) including Teal Ruby, MUSIC, the Hyperspectral Mine Detection (HMD) program and the Adaptive Spectral Reconnaissance Program (ASRP)

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Donna M Winter -- President

  Edwin M Winter -- Research Director; Vice President

  Michael Winter -- Principal Investigator

  Michael E Winter

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