Company Profile

TechComb LLC
Profile last edited on: 8/29/16      CAGE: 7CBQ1      UEI:

Business Identifier: Hands-on, reconfigurable Build-Teach-Play Robots package for engaged learning
Year Founded
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Location Information

5005 West Royal Lane Suite 1831
Irving, TX 75063
   (972) 841-6758
Location: Single
Congr. District: 24
County: Dallas

Public Profile

Focused on introducing kids early in life to robotics and programming, the driving thought behind formation of Tech Comb by University of Teaxs Arlington, was to provide kids every opportunity early in life to understand that they can succeed in careers in robotics, engineering, computer science and all the disciplines that support these fields. the concept of Build-Teach-Play Robots is to: Build – Students will assemble robotic blocks that create a functional robotic arm with pick-and-place capabilities. Teach – Students will control the robotic device to do various activities, from repetitive tasks to assembly tasks that require more complex programming. Play – Once the robot is assembled and the appropriate controls are in place, the student will be able to perform pick-and-place modules on a game board setting. The low-cost teaching tool offers experiential learning for students, pre-developed curriculum for educators, instantly graded feedback and student performance reports to parents, Critically, many current educational robotics packages only one or two functions or applications and once student mastery is achieved, interest wanes, Das said. The reconfigurable nature of the TechComb package allows for a variety of engaging learning modules enabling students to discover new games, objectives and tasks to perform that builds their interest. The novel, multifunctional interconnected design allows modules to be quickly reconfigured and reprogramed for a specific need. A multitude of basic and advanced robotic automation methods can be studied, evaluated and implemented from the modular and reconfigurable robotic manipulation cell. After use, the system can be disassembled and the components can be used to build other configurat

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2016 1 NSF $179,999
Project Title: A Novel Experiential Learning Toy Teaching Robotics and Automation to K-12 Students

Key People / Management

  Jonathan Kretz -- Founder And Ceo

  Aditya Das -- Founder And CTO

  Woo Ho Lee