OrganIzed around development of a variety of scientific software, including physics simulation software and high-performance computing libraries Tech-X Corporation products include VSim, a multiplatform, particle-in-cell simulation tool for running computationally intensive plasma, electromagnetic, and electrostatic problems; USim, a fluid plasma modeling framework that simulates the dynamics of charged fluids or neutrals; PSim, an object-oriented framework that simulates phase morphologies of dense block copolymers melt systems; and GPULib that provides a library of mathematical functions that facilitate the use of high performance computing resources available on modern graphics processing units (GPU) by engineers, scientists, analysts, and other technical professionals. Very active in SBIR from Day One and still very much a presence in the program overall, Tthe company also has offered solutions for electromagnetic, such as discovering machining errors in crab cavity; solutions for microwave devices, including designing magnetron sputtering configurations, and design optimization of micro-fabricated ladder TWTs; and solutions for plasma discharges, including spacecraft charging due to ion impingement, high power hall thruster channel plasma simulations and lifetime predictions, and simulating NASA's next generation xenon ion thruster discharge chamber plasma processes. In addition, it provides physics simulation consulting services in the areas of electromagnetic modeling, plasma physics, accelerator physics, nuclear fusion, high-performance computing, numerical modeling and algorithm development, and data analysis; performance improvement consulting in the areas of GPU and cluster computing, linear algebra, and advanced parallel instructions; integration consulting; visual analytics consulting, such as support, plug-in development, and custom implementations for VisIt, an interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool for viewing scientific data; and professional services and training courses. Tech-X Corporation was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado and branches in New York and the United Kingdom.