Company Profile

Teale Engineering LLC
Profile last edited on: 3/8/22      CAGE: 8Q9C8      UEI: V936MNXBBMN3

Business Identifier: Next-generation product applicable to oil rig systems design
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

Spence Street
College Station, TX 77843
   (210) 373-1156
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Bexar

Public Profile

The principals of Teal Engineering are organizid around working on an oil drill bit that eliminates the need to transfer large amounts of data altogether by performing most of the processing directly at the drill bit. for decades, one of the industry's most critical technological limiters in drilling optimization for the oil industry is the inability to transmit large amounts of data from the downhole and processing it on the surface. Their solution eliminates the need to transfer large amounts of data altogether by performing most of the processing directly at the drill bit. The firm is tackling building what could be the fastest, most powerful, and intelligent downhole tool - next generation of drilling technology having the potential tol identify, optimize and potentially control drilling operations.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 1 NSF $255,499
Project Title: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Automated Self-Guiding Drilling Tool

Key People / Management

  Enrique Zarate Losoya

  Connor Ust

  Narendra Vishnumolakala

Company News

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