Systems Technology Inc is a research and development firm specializing in human-machine systems analysis, including vehicle dynamics and control and related human/machine interaction and human factors. The company provides Research & Development and design consulting for a wide range of aerospace, automotive, and marine vehicles and other human/machine systems for government, industry, and the legal profession. The firm's expertise is in machines that move and the humans that control them, from aircraft to automobiles, airships to underwater towed bodies, and oil rigs to astronomical telescopes. The two primary operations of the firm are engineering and simulation products. The firm performs early stage audits to prevent costly issues later. The company's PARASIM simulation technology has been the global standard for parachute training for 15 years. Furthermore, its STISIM Drive simulator provided a broader role for the driving simulator from occupational therapy to clinical studies to fleet training. STI's Fused Reality technology platform is aimed at enabling the next generation of virtual and augmented reality.