Company Profile

System Dynamics International Inc (AKA: SDI~System Dynamics Inc)
Profile last edited on: 7/16/2024      CAGE: 9W611      UEI: C29UM75EDGH2

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

560 Discovery Drive
Huntsville, AL 35806
   (256) 895-9000
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 05
County: Madison

Public Profile

System Dynamics International Incorporated operates as an engineering services firm. The company focuses on aviation, missile, and UAV systems and operations. It offers engineering services, such as system engineering, requirements development, product design and development, hardware/software integration, risk assessment/reduction, and test and evaluation; programmatics, which include program, acquisition, and logistics management services; and logistics services, including supportability, life cycle/total ownership cost, training, and safety analysis. System Dynamics International also provides technical support to various manned aviation programs, such as target aquisition designation sight/pilot night vision system, comanche, aviation mission planning system, and aviation electronic combat; and missile system programs in technology areas, such as G and C transfer alignment, optics, lasers, focal plane array, CM/CCM, and fiber optics

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2009 2 Army $843,844
Project Title: Techniques for Comparison of Actual Target Signatures to Rendered or Synthetically Generated Models

Key People / Management

  JC White -- President

  Steven P Smith

Company News

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