Company Profile

SYS Technologies Inc (AKA: Systems Associates, Inc)
Profile last edited on: 12/14/2023      CAGE: 8A244      UEI: FLLRPTP8S7N4

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
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Location Information

5050 Murphy Canyon Road Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92123
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 53
County: San Diego

Public Profile

In February 2008, SYS Technologies merged with Kratos Defense Systems. In December 2004, SYS Technologies acquired Xsilogy, a CA based firm in the business of wireless network infrastructure for analytical sensors and industrial process monitoring applications. Xsilogy had previously acquired another SBIR firm - Graviton. SYS Technologies (AMEX: SYS) provides information connectivity solutions that capture, analyze and present real-time information to ustomers in the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, other government agencies and large industrial companies. Using interoperable communications software, sensors, digital video broadcast and surveillance technologies, wireless networks, decision-support tools and Net-centric technologies, our technical solutions enhance complex decision-making. The firm also provide solution lifecycle support with program, financial, test and logistical services and training. SYS Technologies is headquartered in San Diego and has principal offices in California, Virginia and Maryland. The firm supports two operating groups. The Defense Solutions Group focuses on engineering and technical services to U.S. Federal Government agencies. The Public Safety, Security and Industrial Systems Group focuses on providing “right-time” situation status and mission execution support solutions for both commercial and government customers. These two groups are supported by Training Solutions Core Competency, that provides custom e-learning, classroom training and performance support tools.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2004 2 Navy $2,222,362
Project Title: Readiness Assessment and Training Evaluation System (RATES) for Aviation Maintenance
2004 1 Navy $69,553
Project Title: Automated Highline/ Spanwire Engagement

Key People / Management

  Clifton L Cooke Jr -- President

  Michael W Fink -- Sr. Vice President of Fin

  Edward M Lake -- CFO

  Michael Welch

  Don Wood

Company News

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