Company Profile

Symbio Robotics Inc
Profile last edited on: 5/13/21      CAGE: 7L1A8      UEI: EC1QMQX2JHT7

Business Identifier: Artificial intelligence software to improve the real-time control of industrial robots.
Year Founded
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Location Information

2150 Shattuck Avenue Penthouse Floor
Berkeley, CA 94704
   (248) 225-7710
Location: Single
Congr. District: 13
County: Alameda

Public Profile

Symbio is a robotics software company developing software and AI technologies for industrial robots with the objective ofo streamlineing assembly operations on factory floors: used in the manufacture of everything from smartphones to car engines. By integrating artificial intelligence algorithms into a robust control architecture the effort is to transform hyper-specific industrial robots into powerful, general tools that anyone can use. Symbio is organzied around strengthening Industrial Automation Systems through the development of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Shortly after graduating from UC Berkeley’s incubator program in 2015, Symbio structured contracts with the Ford Motor Company and quickly gained support from private and federal funding sources. Symbio has successfully developed proven digital control solutions for removing production bottlenecks in customer applications. The Symbio team, comprised of leading experts in Deep Learning, Distributed Systems and Control Theory, has since focused on delivering next generation streamlined assembly operations to the greater industrial automation market

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2017 2 DOC $399,579
Project Title: Part Identification and Localization via Deep Neural Networks

Key People / Management

  Maxwell Reynolds -- Co-Founder and CEO

  Mitchell Adler -- Software Engineer

  Tony Ayaz -- Chief Business Development Officer

  Vlad Lata

  Brandon Pereira -- Co-Founder & VP of Control

  John Sherman -- Program Manager

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