Company Profile

Sylvatex Inc (AKA: SVX)
Profile last edited on: 9/27/2022      CAGE: 55MM0      UEI: D8TMKKXNGJW7

Business Identifier: Green nano-chemistry: upcycling low value plant-based inputs into high-value alternatives to petrochemicals
Year Founded
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Location Information

2945 Webster Street Floor 3
Oakland, CA 94609
   (415) 662-3835
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Santa Clara

Public Profile

Sylvatex is a green nano-chemistry company utilizing renewable non-toxic inputs to create a nanoparticle usable in multiple applications. Harnessing the power of nature energy solutions that meet the needs of both people and the planet, the firm's current focus is on a low carbon fuel application with a cost-effective platform for incorporating renewable components into petroleum and biomass-based diesel fuels. When blended with diesel and biomass-based diesel, Sylvatex’s proprietary MicroX blend-stocks produce lower-cost, cleaner-burning, micro-blend fuels that can be produced at scale with existing infrastructure. Sylvatex has also completed the first phase of development on a lithium ion battery processing application and has established collaborations with national labs and the USDA to expand on these applications.

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Key People / Management

  Virginia Irwin Klausmeier -- President and CEO

  Robert Ames -- Chief Financial Officer

  Kristen Aramthanapon -- Chief Technology Officer

  Yi-Ting Chen -- Research Scientist

  Brooks Chiongbian -- Corporate & Business Development

  Mel Luetkens -- COO/CTO

  Paul Miltenberger -- CFO/COO

  Valeria Miramontes -- Research Associate

  Chuck Vacin -- Finance & Business Strategy

  Yuan Yue -- Materials Scientist

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