Company Profile

Swift Textile Metalizing LLC
Profile last edited on: 9/29/21      CAGE: 5W560      UEI: CQ5TSMQE2LH8

Business Identifier: Electrically conductive and reflective metalized fabrics
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

23 Britton Drive
Bloomfield, CT 06002
   (860) 243-1122
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Hartford

Public Profile

A long established firm only recently SBIR involved - and that as part of the AFWRX effort, Swift Textile Metalizing LLC (STM) is in the business of design and manufacture of highly engineered metalized fabrics used in electromagnetic ("EMI") and radio frequency interference ("RFI") shielding applications. The Company maintains key positions on long-lived aerospace, naval, and ground defense platforms critical to the next generation of national defense. In June 2021 it was announced that the firm had been acquired by Integtrated Polymer Solutions - IPS - itself a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management)

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Steven Sigmon -- President

  Jared Butlin

  Edward Pasciutti

  Alex Smith

Company News

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