Company Profile

Swift Solar Inc
Profile last edited on: 4/10/2022      CAGE: 84QR5      UEI: KURTDBQWXNN6

Business Identifier: Lightweight, flexible solar panels: more efficient and affordable than conventional panels.
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

981 Bing Street
San Carlos, CA 94070
   (425) 533-1128
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: San Mateo

Public Profile

Swift Solar is an early stage firm working on manufacture of lightweight solar panels and systems that are designed to be cheaper and more efficient than existing products. With expertise ranging from solar cell architectures to specialized manufacturing techniques, the Swift team brought to the table in-depth expertise in perovskite photovoltaic technology and scale-up. The firm's core technologies range from new solar cell architectures to employing specialized manufacturing techniques initially developed in the labs at Stanford and MIT.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 NSF $1,225,000
Project Title: High-power, lightweight, and flexible tandem perovskite solar panels
2020 1 Navy $139,993
Project Title: Vapor-Deposited, High Efficiency, and Low Weight Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells

Key People / Management

  Joel Jean -- CEO (Founder)

  Kevin Bush -- Co-Founder and VP Product

  Zach Dorfman -- Engineering Associate

  Giles Eperon -- Chief Scientific Officer (Founder)

  Max Hoerantner -- VP of Engineering (Founder)

  Hyunjong Lee -- PV R&D Associate

  Tomas Leijtens -- CTO and Founder

  Rohit Prasanna -- Senior Scientist

  Sam Stranks -- Lead Scientific Advisor (Co-Founder)

  Nancy Trejo -- R&D Engineering Associate

  Robert Wendt -- Head of Equipment Operations

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