Company Profile

Sweetsense Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/21/22      CAGE: 71HF3      UEI: M9YULLTP4PH8

Business Identifier: Low-cost remote (off-grid) monitoring solutions for water, energy, and environmental projects
Year Founded
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Location Information

5548 NE 18th Avenue
Portland, OR 97211
   (303) 550-4671
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Multnomah

Public Profile

A Portland State University spinout, SweetSense Inc. is organized around providing remote monitoring solutions for water, energy, and environmental projects with a particular focus on projects in developing nations. Defining itself in part as "where Big Data meets Global Development", the firm makes viable a system of remote monitoring employing distributed in-situ sensors that may provide crucial evidence to help inform the sector and public on the positive impacts of aid, and the on-going challenges. By demonstrating which technologies and programs are truly successfu - tmanagement argue - these successes can be targeted for scaling thereby benefitting developing communities by providing proven and accountable programs. To that end, the company offers SweetSense, a remote sensor that monitors water pumps, latrines, cookstoves, water filters, and more in real time. The company’s SWEETSense hardware relays data over the cellular phone networks via HTTP to the Internet. Its technology is used for applications, including water treatment, sanitation, energy, infrastructure, or other applications

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2020 2 NSF $1,538,287
Project Title: Predictive Algorithms for Water Point Failure

Key People / Management

  Evan Thomas -- CEO

  Jerem Coyle -- Data Scientist

  Dexter Gauntlett -- Business Development Director

  Christian Muragijimana -- Field Manager

  Lauren Stover -- Program Manager

  Matthew Tolbirt -- Chief Business Officer

  Daniel Wilson

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