Company Profile

Surface Treatment Technologies Inc (AKA: Surface Treatment Techniques, Inc~ST2)
Profile last edited on: 11/6/2018      CAGE: 1E9C7      UEI:

Business Identifier: Coating and surfacing technologies for metals and alloys
Year Founded
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Location Information

1954 Halethorpe Farms Road Suite 600
Baltimore, MD 21227
   (410) 242-0530
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Baltimore

Public Profile

Surface Treatment Technologies Inc (ST2) was founded to be a new source for emerging coating and surfacing technologies for metals and alloys. The firm offers two new surface technologies that fill major needs in the materials community. The first, Laser Induced Surface Improvement (LISIsm) represents a major advancement in laser surface alloying. LISIsm is a controlled surface modification using a high energy laser for specific area modification. The surface is environmentally friendly and is not a coating, but is instead a re-alloying of the base metal surface. The second technology, Electro-Spark Alloying (ESA), is a controlled surface modification via pulsed micro-welding. The coatings are nano-composite structures that can be fused to base alloys, with unique corrosion and tribological properties. ESA offers a combination of benefits in wear, erosion, repair, and corrosion protection for metals and alloys.

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Key People / Management

  Timothy J Langan -- President; Chief Executive Officer

  Glen Burnie

  Amy Harmon Krtanjek

  Michael Riley

  Todd E Schlesinger -- Former Senior Scientist

  Terri L Tramel

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