Company Profile

Supply Dynamics Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/9/2023      CAGE: 88MC2      UEI: ZKWCLY5B2AH1

Business Identifier: Digital twin SaaS solution: managing raw material sourcing in complex, highly distributed manufacturing environments.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Active (Acquired)
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Location Information

6279 Tri-Ridge Boulevard Suite 300
Loveland, OH 45140
   (513) 965-2000
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Clermont

Public Profile

Structured around addressing the complexity of most Supply Chains, Supply Dynamics addresses provider clients with real-time visibility and control over the material requirements of their extended supply chain - effectively improving efficiency and predictability and reducing the incurred cost of raw materials and component parts that go into the client's products. Anchored in the experience of Supply Dynamics founder, in charge of the global supply chain at a Fortune 100 manufacturer and frustrated in that context by the utter lack of visibility he had into the firm's distributed, fragmented supply network. Since founding Supply Dynamics that frustrated Supply Cahin manager has worked with more than 65 Fortune 500 manufacturers and over 10,000 of their outside suppliers. The SDX created platform serves as the digital thread across an OEMs distributed manufacturing network reconnecting finished parts and assemblies with the raw materials and standard catalog parts that go into them and enabling customer to unlock the hidden value in their supply chains. In August 2022, it was announced that Exiger - an SaaS supply chain risk management, third-party risk management and compliance company - had acquired Supply Dynamics createing what is described as the first end-to-end supply chain visibility and Supplier Risk Management Solution

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 2 DLA $1,502,263
Project Title: Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Provenance Solution
2021 2 Navy $1,690,110
Project Title: Digital Logistics Challenge for Improved Medical Care

Key People / Management

  Trevor Stansbury -- Founder & President

Company News

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