Company Profile

Subsea Data Systems Inc (AKA: OSI)
Profile last edited on: 1/24/2023      CAGE: 8R4S2      UEI: LUG9MGE5HUR4

Business Identifier: Full spectrum of SMART Cable hardware, software, operations, and data management
Year Founded
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Location Information

8502 SW Kansas Avenue
Stuart, FL 34997
   (772) 219-3000
Location: Single
Congr. District: 18
County: Martin

Public Profile

With US regional offices in Houma, LA, East Greenwich, RI, Monterey, CA and overeas facailites in Vitoria, Brazil, Nicosia, Cyprus and Perth, Australia, Subsea Data Systems - wholly owned subsidiary of Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. provides SMART Cable hardware, software, and data management solutions for a broad customer base of telecommunications providers, US federal agencies, and international groups designing and building SMART Cable projects. The assembled team melds domain-specific expertise in submarine fiber optic network development and deployment, federal government and academic research and development, and scientific and technical subject matter.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
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IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Key People / Management

  Matthew J Fouch

Company News

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