Company Profile

Strand Therapeutics Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/13/2023      CAGE: 8BLB2      UEI: JLMKAULFGK78

Business Identifier: biopharmaceutical company applying synthetic biology to RNA therapeutics to develop single dose mRNA treatments.
Year Founded
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Location Information

20 Overland Street Suite A
Boston, MA 02215
   (309) 360-9875
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Suffolk

Public Profile

Active in the arenas of mRNA therapeutics and synthetic biology, Strand Therapeutics is an emerging biopharmaceutical company applying synthetic biology to RNA therapeutics and developing the first platform for the creation of programmable, long-acting mRNA drugs capable of delivering precise, multi-functional, potentially curative treatments with a single dose. Co-founded by leading mRNA researchers from the MIT Synthetic Biology Center, Strand’s technology potentially has broad applicability across a spectrum of diseases. Initially, the firm is focused on development of mRNA therapies that act through multiple immune mediated mechanisms to deliver potentially curative treatments in oncology. In the solid tumors space, Strand’s mRNA approach has the potential significantly to improve response rates to checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Where hematological tumors are the focus, Strand’s early work may have the potential to revolutionize CAR-T therapy. A relative newcome to the SBIR arena but hit the gound runnubg wth three NIH awards ver soon after founding

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Tasuku Kitada -- President, Head of R&D, Co-founder

  Joseph Barberio -- Senior Director, Head of Technical Operations

  Jacob (Jake) Becraft -- CEO and Co-Founder

  Tyler Cabral -- Manager of Talent Acquisition

  Laura Desmond -- Senior Director, People Sciences and Culture

  Jaspreet Khurana -- Senior a highly motivated team leader trained in RNA biology and genomics. I hav

  Tasuku Kitada -- Co-Founder, Director, President, and Head of R&D

  Samta Kundu -- Chief Operating Officer

  Anna Simon

  Ryan Sowell -- Scientist, Immuno-Oncology

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