Company Profile

Strainoptic Technologies Inc
Profile last edited on: 12/23/2014      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

108 West Montgomery Avenue
North Wales, PA 19454
   (215) 661-0100
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Montgomery

Public Profile

SStrainoptics, Inc. specializes in stress measurement instrumentation and optical inspection equipment for the glass and plastics industries, as well as for research and teaching applications. The firm also offer a wide range of technical services, including residual stress analysis, materials evaluation, applications engineering, custom solutions, and complete calibration and repair services for all types of polarimetry equipment. Additionally, asic and advanced training is provided in the topics of photoelasticity and stress measurement, both at headquarters in North Wales, Pennsylvania (USA), near Philadelphia, and at any customer location. Strainoptics equipment is in use by the most respected names in the glass and plastics industry. The firm's patented SCA on-line stress scanners are installed in major float glass plants around the world, and GASPĀ® polarimeter is the standard for measuring surface stress in heat-strengthened and tempered glass. The firm offer the largest line of instrumentation, from hand-held strain viewers, polarimeters, and instruments for measuring roller wave distortion, to light transmission meters and PC-based on-line and off-line systems for stress and birefringence measuremen

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Key People / Management

  Joel M Feingold -- President

  Gopalakrishna K Bhat

  Dale Jiao

  Alex S Redner -- Former President

Company News

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