Company Profile

Strados Labs
Profile last edited on: 9/27/2022      CAGE: 831L1      UEI: KADSJNQFTSN4

Business Identifier: Wearable deivice to monitor respiratory monitoring using smart biosensors and artificial intelligence
Year Founded
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Location Information

325 Chestnut Street Suite 800
Philadelphia, PA 19106
   (404) 519-7515
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 02
County: Philadelphia

Public Profile

A medtech company, Strados Labs organzies around early detection and prevention of respiratory disease and infection. The firm successfully launched the first wireless lung sound platform technology that is FDA 510k cleared. Already having been employed in clinical trials to monitor how various therapies, patient reports, and other vital signs correlate with changes in lung sounds, the FDA approval allows the system to be used by clinicians to monitor their patients over extended time periods. The device attaches to the chest recording and storing patient's kung functioing in a HIPAA compliant way - available by the clinician to review at any time: wearable technology allow physician 'access' to patients in healthcare settings more effectively, while also providing regular interval listening between clinician visits along with effectively archiving the patientÂ’s lung sounds for future comparisons. Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA., the firm also has R&D facilities in Atlantia GA

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Key People / Management

  Nicholas Delmonico -- Founder and CEO

  Kan Au -- Chief

  Sidney Cannon-Bailey -- Lead Data Scientist

  Marco Fedeli -- Director of Quality

  Mitchell Glass -- Chief Medical Officer

  Jason Kroh -- Chief Technology Officer

  Adrian Marinovich

  Tanziyah Mueem -- Data Scientist

  Richard Powers -- Co-Founder, COO

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