Statistical Innovations specializes in innovative applications of statistical modeling. Principals of the firm have identified a real need in the marketing research, biomedical research, and other arenas to improve upon the way that data analysis was being conducted. The assumptions underlying the methods being used at that time did not hold and therefore were providing misleading results. Statistical Innovations Inc. was first to: * introduce a full Windows-based program for latent class cluster, factor, and regression models * provide user-friendly datamining software to segment and explore one's database, SI-CHAID® and SPSS CHAID (#1 datamining analysis software) * show how a latent variable model could be used to evaluate the effects of an intervention, now a common practice (Magidson, 1977) * present a published collection of the classic articles on categorical data analysis by Professor Leo Goodman to the public (Goodman with Magidson, editor, 1978). * present a published collection of the classic articles on LISREL-type models by Professor Karl Joreskog to the public * recommend the combined use of CHAID and logit modeling in Database Marketing (November 1981 Journal of Marketing Research), a practice that has been since adopted by advanced model developers * show that the Monotonic Regression Model could be used to improve upon discriminant analysis for the classification of Fisher's classic iris data and other ordered groups