Company Profile

Starfire Industries LLC
Profile last edited on: 11/15/2023      CAGE: 3ECK7      UEI: GZ2MY2S55JW9

Business Identifier: Commercial applications of nuclear and plasma engineering
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

3310 North Duncan Road
Champaign, IL 61822
Location: Single
Congr. District: 13
County: Champaign

Public Profile

Starfire Industries LLC, spun out from a startup incubator at the University of Illinois, specializes in innovative plasma engineering across a range of markets, including aerospace/defense, nuclear/homeland security and manufacturing/semiconductors. The company’s focus is commercial applications of nuclear and plasma technologies, including working to eliminate the use of radioactive materials in industrial applications and partnering with companies to meet their customer's needs. Plasma technologies are ubiquitous across industry, touching nearly every computer chip produced and every satellite flying over the earth. As a result, there are many novel applications waiting to be discovered to improve a product or process. Starfire has worked with a number of organizations to develop customized solutions for customers' challenging plasma applications. Prior collaborators include companies ranging from Fortune 500 to startups, university groups and national labs. The company is based out of the Research Park at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The company works in neutron radiography, which, unlike x-rays, can take an image of low-density materials through metals or other dense materials.

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Key People / Management

  Brian E Jurczyk -- President

  Darren Alman -- Head of Computer and Simulation

  Matthew Coventry -- Experimental Research Engineer

  Thomas Houlahan

  Ivan Shchelkanov

  Robert A Stubbers -- VP and CTO

Company News

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