Company Profile

STARA Technologies Inc
Profile last edited on: 10/12/2017      CAGE: 1ZH43      UEI:

Business Identifier: System solutions aircraft, helicopters, missiles, spacecraft, marine craft, and ground vehicles, specializing in surveillance systems.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

1620 West Sunrise Boulevard
Gilbert, AZ 85233
   (480) 850-1555
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Maricopa

Public Profile

STARA Technologies, Inc. researches, designs, develops, and produces system solutions and components for commercial and military use on forward operating bases, aircraft, helicopters, missiles, spacecraft, marine craft, and ground vehicles in the United States and internationally. The company specializes in surveillance systems, offering persistent surveillance systems, including aerostat and ground surveillance tower systems; shelter systems, such as ground control systems, green ground control systems, remote tactical operations centers, and JM-30 weather monitors; and shelters, showers, and food banquets for first responders. STARA also develops and manufactures precision airborne delivery systems for payloads. In addition, the company offers virtual educators for reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition applications simulators. Its products include portable open architecture surveillance towers and ground control stations, tactical and humanitarian delivery systems, solar panel arrays, controllers, showers, miniature electronic communication and measurement devices, smart actuators, electromechanical systems, IP based communication links, plug-and-play sensors, servo valves, and aeronautical safety systems.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2016 2 NASA $872,953
Project Title: Precision Guided Parafoil System for Sounding Rocket Recovery
2016 1 Army $99,977
Project Title: Visual and Physical Footprint Reduction of Parachutes on the Ground
2013 1 CBD $98,870
Project Title: Rapid Sample Transport in Austere Environments
2011 1 Navy $80,000
Project Title: Glide Away Precision Sonobuoy
2010 2 Army $849,236
Project Title: Rapid Initialization for Personnel Navigation

Key People / Management

  Glen R Bailey

  Laurie Marshall -- Controller

  Colin McCavitt -- Former President

  Tim Moore -- COO

  Brad Sutter -- Vice President of Engineering

Company News

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