SST incorporated is focused to developing an agricultural information management system that helps growers maximize management, efficiency, and yield. In 1996, SST released SSToolbox - an imaginative desktop GIS software developed for production agriculture. With feedback and support of customers in 41 states and nineteen countries around the world, SST has continued to refine and enhance the SSToolbox suite of desktop GIS software. In 1998, SST founded the SST Information Lab program to reach a broad base of customers by centralizing the GIS data processing analysis functions at regional centers in the U.S. and abroad. More recently, SST launched the SST FarmRite Network -- web-enabled data sharing and information product ordering system. Using secure Internet access, customers have the ability to view their spatial data and information products, and query the user-defined data pool. In 2003, SST released SST Summit & SST Stratus. Farmers can easily create records of farming activities on their office computer or a Pocket PC for better management of their operation. Because it's a component of the SST system, they can opt to send data on to trusted advisors for further analysis and recommendations. SST's system equips agriculturalists at all levels with software and services suited to their businesses whether they are a thousand-acre soybean farmer in Iowa, a seed company doing corn trials in Hawaii, a fertilizer dealer in Brazil, a crop consultant in Mississippi, or the worlds largest cotton processor, headquartered in Australia.