Company Profile

SRS Technologies Inc (AKA: Spectra Research Systems~ManTech SRS Technologies)
Profile last edited on: 3/21/2023      CAGE: 4L958      UEI: CSCCUJ2JNLF3

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

1800 Quail Street Suite 101
Newport Beach, CA 92660
   (949) 852-6900
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 47
County: Orange

Public Profile

On May 8, 2007 ManTech International Corporation completed acquisition of SRS Technologies. With facilities in several states, SRS Technologies had already outgrown the SBIR program size requirements to become a dynamic engineering company providing diversified Information Technology Services and Products to a range of Government and commercial customers. The firm operates under five primary areas - Aerospace technologies; Systems Engineering and Technology; Chemical and biological warfare defense; Defense systems and Scientific and Technical Intelligence applications.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Over 50M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2004 1 NASA $70,000
Project Title: Innovative Solar Sail Performance Modeling Tool
2004 2 NASA $650,000
Project Title: Concept for Tether Current Collection Using Grid -Sphere Electrodes
2003 2 AF $840,982
Project Title: Stress Coatings for Large Scale Membrane Mirrors
2003 2 NASA $670,000
Project Title: A Solid Expellant Plasma Source/Contactor for Electrodynamic Tethers
2003 2 AF $818,826
Project Title: Active Controlled Membrane Mirrors with Shape Memory

Key People / Management

  James N Allburn -- President

  Richard C Baldwin

  Norman F Bates

  Ken Bentley

  Joe Bergantz -- VP and General manager Systems Soln Div

  Joe C Cody

  Jeffrey Cooper

  Joseph Coy

  Bart Edsall

  Moniem El-Sherbiny

  Robert C Evans

  Ashoke Ghosh

  Kent Gunter

  Ronald Hackett

  John D Hyde

  Richard D Kramer

  Greg Laue

  Jay H Laue

  Ferril Losee

  David Marshall

  David E Marty

  Louis Mole

  James Moore

  James D Moore

  James M Morrison

  Keith Noren

  Harold L Pastick

  Harold L Pastrick

  Brian Patrick

  James C Pearson

  Wayne Pennington

  Bob Pilgram

  Robert A Pilgrim

  Laura L Pullum

  John F Rice

  Gary Lee Robbins

  Hill Roberts

  Hillary E Roberts

  Carson Sasser

  Michael A Schroer

  Michael Short

  Richard K Steinberg

  Nobie Stone

  Joe L Thurman

  Steve G wakefield

  Kim Watson

Company News

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