Company Profile

SQZ Biotechnologies Company
Profile last edited on: 12/20/2019      CAGE: 700T5      UEI: SLSGMK6SHRF1

Business Identifier: Cell therapies for cancer and autoimmune diseases
Year Founded
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Location Information

134 Coolidge Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
   (617) 758-8672
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Spun out of MIT and with a collaborative research effort there to develop new, microfluidic methods of intracellular delivery capable of overcoming the disadvantages of many existing technologies, SQZ Biotechnologies Company has developed a technology platform for material delivery into cells. The firm's primary product, CellSqueeze, is a vector-free platform that is used for the delivery of a range of macromolecules, such as carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, protein transcription factors, and siRNA to various cell types, including primary immune cells and stem cells. CellSqueeze works by deforming cell in enable deliverry of RNA, proteins and nanoparticles for many applications. In Dec 2015, a deal was announced between involves Roche and SQZ Biotechnologies Co. to modify B-cells and trigger an immune-mounted cascade to treat several types of cancer. In October 2018 Roche and SQZ Biotechnologies Co. agreed to replace that deal with one involving an agreement jointly develop and share commercialization rights for certain oncology therapies based on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) engineered by SQZ's platform and derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Armon Sharei -- Co Founder and CEO

  Katarina Blagovic

  Harrison Bralower

  Devin Bridgen

  Jonathan Gilbert

  Kelan A Hlavaty

  Klavs Jensen -- Co-Founder

  Shinu Ann John

  Robert Langer -- Co-Founder

  Agustin Lopez Marquez -- Co Founder

  Leeann Talarico