Company Profile

Spectra Solutions Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/12/20      CAGE: 795M1      UEI: DYQNK365QGR5

Business Identifier: Raman analytical instruments and fiber optic probes
Year Founded
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Location Information

1502 Boston Providence Highwy 2
Norwood, MA 02062
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Norfolk

Public Profile

Manufacturing spectroscopic analytical instruments and fiber optic Raman probes, Spectra Solutions Inc.'s (SSI) commercial line of products include spectroscopic fiber optic probes, spectrographs and instruments for Raman measurement and process monitoring applications. The firm offers several fiber optic Raman probes for analytical, quality control and process monitoring applications. Spectra's RAman Monitoring System (RAMS) process instruments are unique in that they have the capability to monitor up to 6 probes simultaneously. Also oavailable are multiple spectroscopic accessories such as Raman microscope with CMOS video camera, flow cells for process applications, fiber optic cables, and multi-port fiber optic feed through flanges. The firm's business apparoach is to work with clients having custom needs to develop custom spectroscopic instruments and fiber optic probes to meet each specific application. ​ Of particular import is the firm's collaboration a US Department of Energy national laboratory at the forefront in applying Raman spectroscopic analysis to nuclear materials. Using Spectra's RAMS instruments and Raman probes, process analysis of nuclear fuel reprocessing has been developed with the capability of monitoring multiple points in the process stream. Chemometric models integrated with the firm's SpectraChem plug-in chemometrics software have been developed for this process. Ongoing research applies Raman and absorption analysis to the microfluidic domain for application in nuclear fuel analysis and process modeling

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Job Bello

  Christina M Gasbarro

Company News

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