Company Profile

Spectra Research Inc (AKA: S*R)
Profile last edited on: 10/26/2018      CAGE: 0GTZ6      UEI: ZWGHMLVFLK16

Business Identifier: Advanced electronics, electromagnetic & laser-based prodcuts
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

2790 Indian Ripple Road
Dayton, OH 45440
   (937) 299-5999
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Montgomery

Public Profile

Spectra Research specializes in the design, development, testing, and production of advanced electronics, electromagnetic, and laser-based prodcuts. Spectra Research provides advanced research and development services for its government and commercial clients. The company specializes in high quality engineering, design, development, testing, and production of advanced electronic, electromagnetic, and optical-based products. Expertise includes radio frequency devices, electromagnetic sensors, laser optics, modeling and simulation, and applied system integration. The Spectra Research mission is to engineer technologies that transform advanced research concepts into innovative solutions. This is accomplished with a highly innovative staff of scientists and engineers whose expertise encompasses a wide variety of disciplines

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2016 2 AF $2,348,202
Project Title: Dual Mode Tag (DMT) Proof-of-Concept Device
2011 2 Navy $899,974
Project Title: Broadband, lightweight, low profile passive phased array
2010 1 Navy $79,997
Project Title: Innovative Wideband Antenna Technology for Ultimate Consolidated Submarine Mast
2009 2 Navy $659,663
Project Title: Low Profile, Very Wide Bandwidth Aircraft Communications Antenna
2009 2 Navy $774,852
Project Title: Advanced Metamaterial (MTM) Rapidly Reconfigurable Common Aperture Antenna

Key People / Management

  Jerry Capozzi -- President; Chief Operating Officer

  Thomas Brown

  Mary Lou Fricke

  Glen L Harris

  Gordon R Little -- Chief Scientist

  John A Little -- Principal Investigator

  Eric C Loomis

  Daniel D Reuster -- Director, Engineering

  James Riddell III -- Principal Engineer

  Ronald Riechers

  John Sellers

  Paul D Zidek

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