Company Profile

Specom Inc
Profile last edited on: 9/5/2023      CAGE: 4S3F4      UEI: MY4UR4NRBU61

Business Identifier: Cognitive Radio, FPGA, DSP, and Spectrum Fragmentation of arbitrary waveforms
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Popularity Index
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Location Information

16885 West Bernardo Drive Suite 285
San Diego, CA 92127
   (619) 884-9523
Location: Single
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Public Profile

Specom specializes in developing waveforms, algorithms and signal processing solutions for digital communication applications including cognitive radio, broadcast, wired and wireless communication

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2014 1 Navy $79,987
Project Title: Large Time Band Width Product Signal Acquisition Processors
2014 1 Army $99,969
Project Title: Fragmented Spectrum Efficiency Manager
2014 2 Navy $637,458
Project Title: Energy Efficient Signal Classifier for Dense Signal Environment
2012 2 Navy $1,081,671
Project Title: Integrated Wideband Spectral Management / Satellite Receiver Modem
2011 1 Navy $69,996
Project Title: Spectrum Fragmentation of Networking Waveforms with Distributed Network Control

Key People / Management

  Robert W Lowdermilk -- CTO

  Dragan Vuletic -- VP Engineering and Co-Founder

Company News

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