Company Profile

Specialty Materials Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/21/22      CAGE: 1WR35      UEI: XF2KLEYAM366

Business Identifier: Manufacture boron and silicon carbide fibers and preforms
Year Founded
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Location Information

1449 Middlesex Street
Lowell, MA 01851
   (978) 322-1900
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Specialty Materials, Inc. manufactures and supplies boron and silicon carbide fiber products used primarily to reinforce advanced composite materials, and boron nanopowder for conversion to magnesium diboride (MgB2). The company offers boron carbide fiber products - comprised of a combination of high strength and high modulus mechanical properties for tension and compression applications; silicon carbide fiber products that handle high temperature consolidation conditions of titanium and ceramic matrix composites; and boron nanopowder for conversion to MgB2 for superconducting applications. The firm also provides glassy carbon monofilaments for use as microelectrodes for vivo electrochemistry, diffusion/boundary layer analysis, metal recovery, and saline electrochemistry applications. The company’s products are used in various applications, such as unmanned aero vehicles, gas turbine engine components, bicycle frames, fly fishing rods, hockey sticks, compression tubes, stabilizers, gliders, golf shafts, penetrators, optical space benches, race cars, aircraft repair, nuclear reactors, magnetic resonance imaging, telecommunications, super magnets, ceramic matrix composites, titanium matrix composites, and medical electrodes, as well as in the manufacture of photovoltaic solar cell

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Key People / Management

  Monica Rommel -- CEO/Owner

  Monte Treasure -- President

  Mike Buck -- Business Development Manager

  Tom Foltz

  Bill Grant -- Director of Product Engineering

  James V Marzik -- Chief Scientist

  Raymond J Suplinskas

  Stephanie Trinidad -- Customer Solutions Manager

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