Company Profile

SpaceDev Inc
Profile last edited on: 1/18/2017      CAGE: 1J2T1      UEI: ----------

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
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Location Information

13855 Stowe Drive
Poway, CA 92064
   (858) 375-2030
Location: Single
Congr. District: 48
County: San Diego

Public Profile

In December 2008, SpaceDev Inc was acquired by Sierra Nevada Corporation and continues to operate as part of the "Space Systems Business" of Sierra Nevada Corporation. SpaceDev Inc. hopes to establish itself as a commercial space exploration and development company operating in small space. The three primary lines of business are: micro spacecraft and missions, small hybrid propulsion space systems and the future development of new commercial revenue generating businesses developed around the Company's new space technologies. Acquisition of SpaceDev, Inc. provided Sierra the inventory of products that had flown on more than 300 spacecraft over 20 years, and represented a dynamic expansion of space technology capabilities, proven system integration, communications, networking and intelligence capabilities in the space sector. Since its inception, SpaceDev has sought to be the first company to successfully define, implement and execute profitable commercial, low-cost deep-space missions, i.e., robotic missions to the Moon and beyond, and to create new products to reduce the cost of access to space

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2009 1 NASA $100,000
Project Title: Precision Deployable Occulter System
2009 1 NASA $100,000
Project Title: Innovative, EVA Compatible Fluid Coupling for Lunar Surface Systems Applications
2008 1 NASA $99,819
Project Title: Annular Hybrid Rocket Motor
2005 1 AF $98,822
Project Title: Advanced Rocket Propulsion Technologies
2005 1 AF $99,717
Project Title: Small Launch Vehicles (SLV) Technologies

Key People / Management

  James W Benson -- Chief Exec. Officer

  Fred L Beavers

  Chris Grainger

  Jeffery Hickerson

  Jason Hinkle

  Jeffrey Janicik

  Frank L Macklin

Company News

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