Company Profile

Space Sciences Corporation
Profile last edited on: 2/17/22      CAGE: 4PPS1      UEI: NWREANSN8K93

Business Identifier: Cosmic radiation effects on space vehicles materials and Microelectronics
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

181A West Frontage Road
Lamitar, NM 87823
   (858) 334-9997
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Socorro

Public Profile

Space Sciences Corporation provides research design, development, test and engineering services for terrestrial and space applications, including cosmic radiation effects on space vehicles materials and microelectronics. The firm also performs low background radiation experiments and develops Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Flying Platforms. Services provided by the firm include: Failure analysis of materials & microsystems using ion photon emission techniques, neutron spallation, spectroscopy, SEM & TEM analysis; Space parts qualification and engineering services for space commercialization; Reliability analysis and experimental payload development of space systems; andNanotechnology, nanostructures and applications. Lastly, the company develops integrated sensors for safety, anti-tamper and high-reliability critical applications, lasers and optical systems design and applications.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 AF $1,547,936
Project Title: Smart AI Automated Toolbox
2021 1 AF $49,347
Project Title: Inflatable Artificial Intelligence Risk Avoidance Multirole Ramming Operations Drone (AiRAMROD)
2017 2 Navy $1,134,764
Project Title: Securable Robust Tablet Nodes (SERTN)
1989 2 AF $749,613
Project Title: High sensitivity short and medium wave infrared cameras

Key People / Management

  Dawn D Robinson -- CEO

  Lawrence Dickson

  James J Fallon -- Former President

  Lindsay O'brien Quarrie

  Brandon Washington

Company News

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