Company Profile

Source MDx (AKA: Source Precision Medicine)
Profile last edited on: 6/15/21      CAGE: 1WXD5      UEI:

Business Identifier: Molcular Diagnostics
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
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Location Information

2500 Central Avenue Suite H2
Boulder, CO 80301
   (303) 385-2700
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Boulder

Public Profile

Sometime in early 2011, SourceMDx, liquidated all of its assets and discontined business operations. Previously known as Source Precision Medicine and with facilites also in MA, Source MDx had been focused on development of RNA-based biomarkers and companion diagnostics in inflammation related therapeutic areas including oncology, cardiovascular, autoimmune and infectious diseases. The firm pioneered precision measurement and clinical utility of RNA-based biomarkers in the characterization of inflammation and immune response: demonstrating the ability to monitor an individual’s health, disease status and response to therapy at the molecular level based on RNA from whole blood, tissue and biofluid samples. While active, the firm had available or in development custom primers and probes for over 1,450 genes specific to oncology (over 600 genes), cardiovascular disease (over 300 genes), autoimmune diseases (over 400 genes) and infectious diseases (over 150 genes). The precise and calibrated custom primers and probes with high amplification efficiencies werethe basis of the firm's multi-gene QPCR assays: Source MDx Precision Profiles™. The firm also wasin development of healthy normals reference datasets (n=30 to 300) for the over 1,450 genes in these focused therapeutic areas. A comprehensive patent portfolio starting when the firm was launched in 1998, Source MDx’s gene expression technology and healthy normals reference datasets. Source MDx used its patented molecular diagnostic system to monitor an individual’s health, disease status and response to therapy at the molecular level based on RNA from whole blood or tissue samples. Source completed over 140 preclinical and clinical projects for more than 30 pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Source MDx analyzed over one million gene expression measurements for 22 diseases. Source MDx marketed its molecular biomarker services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for drug development and companion patient care diagnostics focused on inflammation and immune response genes for oncology, cardiovascular, autoimmune and infectious diseases. Source markets over 30 patented disease and pathway-specific biomarker panels (6 to 96 genes) that are used in both preclinical and clinical drug development. After the firm discontinued business operations, fellow SBIR Awardee DxTerity bought ehf firm's canvcer diagn

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2006 1 NIH $195,684
Project Title: Development of an RA Molecular Diagnostic to Predict Disease Activity and Respons
2005 1 NIH $100,000
Project Title: Early Prediction of Therapy Responders in Chronic HCV
2004 1 NIH $100,000
Project Title: Markers of Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis
2003 1 NIH $161,668
Project Title: Early Diagnosis of Acute Lung Transplant Rejection
2001 1 NIH $90,500
Project Title: Inflammation Gene Expression Patterns In Drug Discovery

Key People / Management

  Danute Bankaitisdavis -- Senior Vice President

  Michael Bevilacqua -- Founder and Former President

  John C Cheronis

  Bunki Davis -- Senior Vice President

  Robert Falloon -- Vice President, Finance and Administration

  Lisa B Siconolfi

  Victor V Tryon

  Jim Walther -- Vice President, Business Development

  Karl Wasserman -- Chief Executive Officer and President

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