Company Profile

Sorbent Technologies Corporation (AKA: Sanitech)
Profile last edited on: 5/24/2017      CAGE: 0W0A4      UEI: LBKWF55WH261

Business Identifier: Utility and industrial air pollution control technologies
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
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Location Information

1664 East Highland Road Unit 10
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: Summit

Public Profile

Originally doing business in SBIR as Sanitech, Sorbent Technologies was early involved in SBIR after they were formed. With an industrial and utility pollution focus, the firm used SBIR support from several agencies to take viable projects from the funded R&D to innovative, full-scale systems. Examples: an NSF project modeled the sulfation of large composite sorbents in a duct-injection application. With additional investments from Sorbent Technologies and the State of Ohio, the new "Fluesorbent" acid rain control technology was then tested on a slipstream from an actual power plant and a fulscale a permanent, full-scale Fluesorbent unit installed on two boilers at an Ohio heating plant. To enable compliance with mercury emission rules set for municipal and medical waste incinerators for coal-fired power plants Sorbent Technologies used EPA SBIR grants to develop a unique elemental mercury control technology used in a subsequent Army incinerator. Air Force funded SBIR projects enabled the first air-pollution-control system ever installed on a jet-engine test cell: used to test-fire airplane engines after maintenance activities. The same NOx and small-particle filter technology was applied to diesel engines and went on to receive 1997 R&D 100 Award and another in 1998. Other innovative air pollution control technologies helped Sorbent Technologies gain investor attention, including a large equity investment by the Global Environment Fund. Publicy funded (OTC Bulletin Board: SORB), in April 2008, Sorbent Technologies Corporation was acquired by Albemarle Corporation. (NYSE:ALB) Principals of the firm continue their work with that Corporation.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Sidney G Nelson -- President

  Sayed N Ahmed

  Brian W Nelson

  Yinzhi Zhang

  Qunhui Zhou