Company Profile

SonaALASense Inc
Profile last edited on: 10/17/23      CAGE: 89EQ4      UEI: LC3GHFGF2KK1

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

2600 10th Street Suite 435
Berkeley, CA 94710
   (914) 649-3212
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Alameda

Public Profile

Structured as a non-invasive way to treat and eradicate deadly cancers like GBM -- typically requiring debilitating brain surgery that, in turn, often leads to tumor recurrence - the founders of SonALAsense see the company and the treatment as the culmination of a life-long journey perhaps finally to beat the cancer scourge. Principals of the firm are developing a tumor-targeting drug (SONALA-001) together with MR-guided focused ultrasound as sonodynamic therapy (SDT) - a combination that has the potential to be a safe and effective noninvasive treatment for cancer - with SonALAsense being the first company to advance SDT into clinical trials.

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Key People / Management

  Mark De Souza -- President and CEO

  Stuart Marcus -- Founder and Chief Scientific Officer

  Sudheer Swamy -- Director, Project Management

  Sam Zenhari -- Director, Clinical Operations

Company News

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