Company Profile

Solarno Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/27/2017      CAGE: 4X1Q9      UEI: LEULMJXRNUM3

Business Identifier: full solar spectrum power cells based on nanostructured materials and nanoarchitectures
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

153 Hollywood Drive
Coppell, TX 75019
   (214) 616-6443
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 24
County: Dallas

Public Profile

SOLARNO Inc. is developing solar cells based on nanostructured materials and nanoarchitectures. These solar cells access the power of the full solar spectrum, in contrast to existing silicon-based solar cells that use only small fraction of sunlight, opening the door to global-scale, cost-effective, flexible and light weight third generation photovoltaics for the 21st century. SOLARNO partners with the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and Alan G.MacDiarmid Nanotech Institute and was founded by UTD researchers to commercialize and expand UTD's nanotechnology for solar energy applications Solarno will readily integrate with existing solar cell manufacturing processes while its technology will provide cost-effective improvements in photovoltaic (PV) conversion efficiency across the solar spectrum

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2018 1 Navy $224,998
Project Title: Flexible perovskite LED with CNT electrodes
2014 2 NSF $784,939
Project Title: Synthesis of multifunctional nanofibrous polyaniline/carbon composites
2013 1 DOE $150,000
Project Title: Carbon Nanotube-based Solar Water Heater
2010 2 DOE $899,000
Project Title: Recovery Act - Parallel Tandem Organic Solar Cells with Carbon Nanotube Sheet Interlayers
2009 1 DOE $100,000
Project Title: Bright White Tandem OLED with Carbon Nanotube Hole Injecting Interlayer

Key People / Management

  Anvar A Zakhidov -- President, Chief Technology Officer, Founder

  John P Ferraris -- Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  Lissa King Magel

  Alexios Papadimitratos

  Vladimir Pozdin

  Qiang Wu

Company News

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