Company Profile

SolaRid AR LLC
Profile last edited on: 4/23/2021      CAGE: 8BLW8      UEI: YA9SUGXDSN51

Business Identifier: Smart agricultural pest control
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

267 Fayes Forest Road
Clinton, AR 72031
   (501) 592-1391
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Van Buren

Public Profile

SolaRid AR is a relative start-up structured around development of a solar powered insect monitoring and control device. The assembled management however, bring to the table decades of experience in on-the-ground conservation and agriculture policy, environmental advocacy and politics both local and national along with manufacturing and technology. The company’s patent-pending, Insect Control Devices (ICD), trademarked, SolaRid™, are made in Tempe, AZ. The business focus is thick film electrical devices including Electroluminescent (EL) Technologies. The processes of screen printing layers of the EL panel integrating engineered phosphorous powders and electrical tracers creating specific light frequencies and embedding Semiochemical attractants and printing the electrocuting grid system are proprietary. The firm offers two versions: the 12 hour and 24 hour models operating with different components and sensors accumulating data generating predictive analytics and remote communication. Both versions are designed for commercial distribution.

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Key People / Management

  Donald Richardson -- President

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