Company Profile

Solar Junction Corporation
Profile last edited on: 1/29/19      CAGE: 5GHS8      UEI:

Business Identifier: III-V multi-junction solar cells based on A-SLAM™ materials for concentrated photovoltaic system
Year Founded
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Location Information

401 Charcot Avenue
San Jose, CA 95131
   (408) 503-7001
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Santa Clara

Public Profile

Solar Junction Corporation develops technology for the concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) industry in the United States and Europe. It manufactures solar cells and receivers based on Adjustable Spectrum Lattice Matched material platform for CPV systems. The company’s products include multi-junction solar cells based on dilute nitride compounds, ultra-concentration tunnel junctions, bare cells, and integrated solar cell assemblie

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2012 1 AF $149,859
Project Title: Ultra-High-Efficiency, Multi-Junction Solar Cells for Space Applications

Key People / Management

  Jim Weldon -- Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  Jeff Allen -- Vice President of Business Development

  Ed Birss -- Vice President, Business Integration

  Ivan Fujihara -- Vice President, Finance & Corporate Controller

  Vijit Sabnis -- Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  Michael Wiemer -- Vice President Device Development, Co-Founder

  Homan B Yuen -- Vice President Research & Development, Co-Founder

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