Company Profile

SmartGait LLC
Profile last edited on: 9/10/2018      CAGE: 7CMX7      UEI: FRJNEXLJ7KE3

Business Identifier: Fall prediction and fall-prevention interventions in older adults and people with Parkinson's
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Location Information

3000 Kent Avenue Suite C2-108
West Lafayette, IN 47906
   (765) 404-0726
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Tippecanoe

Public Profile

SmartGait LLC is organzied around developing technologies to identify fall risk in older adults, and to provide gait and balance assessments as a marker of health and vitality. The firm is working on a device licensed from Purdue University that can use a smartphone to measure a person's walking gait to help prevent falls in people with compromised balance, such as the elderly or those with parkinson's disease. By identifying fall risk in older adults, and providing gait and balance assessments the firm is preventing falls in older adults - an important issue since falls adversely impact health, result in substantive medical costs, and are the leading cause of accidental death in older adults. Identifying fall risk before a fall occurs is critical for timely deployment of preventive measures and to ensure that limited resources are allocated to those most likely to experience a fall. SmartGait™, - the product - is a wearable gait assessment device consisting of a smartphone app. (as a platform) with peripheral accessories (a right-angle wide-angle lens, two foot-markers, a waist belt and a phone holster) that can be operated by any individual to operate in order to assess their gait on a regular basis. The gait assessment through SmartGait™ alerts users or caregivers to fall-risk and changing health, in order to take preventive action. The data collected by SmartGait™ is HIPAA protected

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Less than .5M
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Privately Held
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Key People / Management

  Manuel Ochoa

  Shirley Rietdyk -- Chief Scientific Officer

  Babak Ziaie