Company Profile

Skyward Ltd
Profile last edited on: 1/21/2021      CAGE: 1BJJ8      UEI: TD2PKTACBJH5

Business Identifier: Test planning, data collection, data synthesis and analysis, technology development and detailed documentation of defense products.
Year Founded
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Location Information

5717 Huberville Avenue Suite 300
Dayton, OH 45431
   (937) 252-2710
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Green

Public Profile

Headquartered adjacent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH, Skyward Ltd provides engineering services and custom solutions to Government and Industry partners. The firm is focused in the areas of engineering services, test & evaluation, 3D metrology and scanning, and unmanned systems.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Revenue Range
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Daniel C Cyphers -- President

  Sarah S Bourne -- Office Manager

  Scott A Frederick -- V.P., Operations and Security

  John P Haas -- V.P., Technical Services

  Ronald L Hinrichsen -- Chief Scientist

  Ralph W Lauzze II -- Senior Program Manager

  Daniel G Mathews -- Business Representative

  Joseph P Mekina -- Director, Vehicle Systems

  Marcus L Miller -- Director, 3D Services

  Rick L Richardson -- Director, Engineering Services

  Stephen D Rosencrantz

  Christopher Rowley -- Lead, UAS Initiative / Senior Data Analyst

  Ralph J Speelman III -- Senior Program Manager

  Donald W Voyls -- Senior Program Manager

Company News

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