Company Profile

Skysun LLC
Profile last edited on: 11/17/20      CAGE: 6UAC8      UEI: HTZKMFEJRAL3

Business Identifier: Decreasing solar power generation cost and complexity: Increased economic efficiency
Year Founded
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Location Information

24126 Bruce Road
Bay Village, OH 44140
   (216) 287-4761
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09

Public Profile

Organized around meeting the need affordable yet well-designed solar power systems, Skysun persoonel developed a way to elevate and support multiple panels allowing the land underneath to be used. In partnership with US DOE, Sandia Labs, NASA Glenn Research facility and others, the firm's patented systems have been tested for years in different environments, from New Mexico to the Midwest. Skysun arrays can withstand high-winds and varying loading conditions to provide consistent performance with the firm's use of braided steel wire rope – described as pound for pound stronger than a steel I-beam - novel tensile based infrastructure both supports and aligns solar panels reducing system cost. Skysun, LLC is now developing solar tracking hardware with applications in CSP, PV and CPV. Wind survivability and on-sun tracking have been demonstrated.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
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Key People / Management

  Jim Clair -- Founder, President and CEO

Company News

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