Company Profile

SkySpecs LLC
Profile last edited on: 10/10/22      CAGE: 6SJ66      UEI: F1NQJSLVGXA1

Business Identifier: Simplifying renewable energy asset management with purpose-built technologies,
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

312 South Ashley Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
   (734) 413-7346
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Washtenaw

Public Profile

Developing next generation drone technology, SkySpecs, LLC - spun out of the University of Michigan - began operations as developing unmanned aerial vehicles for commercial and industrial use safely to reach and inspect tall or otherwise hard-to-reach structures, such as bridges and tall wind turbines. With their fist clients in place and FDA approvals, the firm's technical focus shifted to a focus on development of sensors and circuits to help modify drones safely to fly over and through wind turbines, bridges, mines and film sets - becing the first provider of completely automated blade inspections using a drone and highly intuitive software that allows for repeatability, high-quality data, and safer inspections. The firm now defines what they are about as "....simplifying renewable energy asset management by offering purpose-built technologies and services that help our customers deliver industry-leading productivity, efficiency and returns. Every day we help our customers unlock the power of their data so they can make confident, informed decisions. The firm's team brings deep industry experience and a willingness to get our hands dirty to first understand and then solve customer problems on the ground. Learn more about our best-in-class technologies and how we’re helping the renewable energy industry realize its potential"

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Daniel Ellis -- Founder and Chief Executive Officer

  Jonathan Bendes -- Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder

  Tom Brady -- CFO/Founder

  Sam Debruin -- Co-Founder, VP of Research and Development

  Ryan D Morton -- Chief Technology Officer