Company Profile

SkySight Technologies LLC
Profile last edited on: 10/25/18      CAGE: 4SBK6      UEI:

Business Identifier: Electro-mechanical systems development and applications; custom engineering
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

5836 Highview Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46818
   (260) 637-0588
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Allen

Public Profile

SkySight Technologies LLC provides electro-mechanical systems development and applications solutions as well as design modeling computer tools for technical and managerial problems. The firm has a focus in trawl survivability solutions and has developed the SafeSensor System, which serves to reduce the risk of damage wherever trawl and commercial fishing may pose risk of damage to ocean bottom sensors. Potential applications of the firm’s technology include surface markers, towed sensors and towed arrays, and objects suspended in air on the end of a line to be pulled over the edge of a deck, platform, railing or bench without snagging. The company has teamed with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research to develop a tent trap that uses a soldier’s human odor and an airflow system to attract biting flies, mosquitoes and other insect specimens, then safely traps the specimens without risking disease transmission to the human bait. The technology harvests and stores energy from the environment to provide power to the pull airflow system and light system while capturing the specimens in a collection container that preserves them for appropriate entomological study and analys

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2015 1 Navy $80,000
Project Title: Deep Long Life Passive Sonobuoy Sensor System
2015 2 DHS $865,000
Project Title: Downed Power Line Sensor
2014 2 DHS $1,110,000
Project Title: Quick Release Connector
2011 2 Navy $599,959
Project Title: Protective Technologies and Installation/Implementation Methods for Undersea Instrumentation
2011 2 DHA $849,980
Project Title: Development and commercialization of a tent trap for the surveillance and control of disease-carrying flies

Key People / Management

  Patrick R Mccammon -- President

  Kara Benschneider -- Mechanical Design Engineer

Company News

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