In 1992, SKY Computers, Inc. - at the time manufacturer of high-speed accelerator boards for MS-DOS personal computers -- was acquired by Analogic Corporation (Nasdaq: ALOG) and until February 2007, did business as a wholly owned subsidiary of Analogic. In February 2007, the employees of Sky Computers purchased the firm back from Analogic. SKY Computers supplies high performance multi-processor computers typically used in medical scanning systems such as MRI and CT based scanners for image development. Multiprocessing systems are needed in applications were a number of processors perform in concert to develop information such as radar target tracking and sonar system sound clutter reduction. SKY along with trading partner companies now supplies complete weather radar and surveillance radar systems, both tower or vechicle mounted. Things to know: SKY Computers supplied explosives detection imaging computers installed in baggage scanners in airports in the United States and worldwide. No activity on website since 2010.