Company Profile

Sinopia Biosciences Inc (AKA: CHOmics Inc)
Profile last edited on: 2/21/2022      CAGE: 6T1Y7      UEI: YAZGZHHKK821

Business Identifier: Enabling data-driven drug discovery utilizing multi-omics data, machine learning, network analyses, and disease models
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

3210 Merryfield Row
San Diego, CA 92121
   (858) 945-7568
Location: Single
Congr. District: 50
County: San Diego

Public Profile

Currently resident in JLabs San Diego, and previously (until 2014) doing business as CHOmics, Inc, Sinopia Biosciences is structured around development of a bioinformatics platform designed for drug discovery and drug re-purposing. Using proprietary machine learning, the effort is to identify therapeutics that reduce adverse drug reactions of life-changing medications. Utilizing advanced computational approaches to identify new solutions that improve drug efficacy and safety. Addressing a lead compound employed in Parkinson's Disease, a focus is on enabling doctors to identify pathways that are implicated in causing Parkinson's Disease. With an impressive Phase I to Phase II converstion record in NIH - their only SBIR source - the firm has no recorded instance of capital investment - a fairly rare situation in most firms inthis arena.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Aarash Bordbar -- Co-Founder

  Iman Famili -- PresidentandCEO

  Colton Lloyd

  Bernhard Palsson -- Co-Founder

Company News

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