Company Profile

Simulations LLC
Profile last edited on: 8/1/2024      CAGE: 3GTQ6      UEI: TLNCBDHTKKS4

Business Identifier: End-to-end materials research, development, and fabrication firm
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

133 Hartford Avenue
East Granby, CT 06035
   (860) 413-3230
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Hartford

Public Profile

With particular expertise in composites, Simulations LLC . is structured around providing materials development solutions and hardware for the defense and commercial industries. Exceling in structural analysis, composite material design, prototype fabrication and testing, in-bore and in-flight ballistic and hypersonic aerodynamic design, manufacturing, and testing, Simulations maintains a fully tooled CNC and conventional machining department, composites/materials development lab, state-of-the-art HPC servers, and engineering software. A brief list of in-house and first-tier associates consists of material scientists, specialty prototyping and production fabrication firms, experts in structures, aerodynamics, composites tooling, weapons testing, computational fluid dynamics, electromagnetic propulsion, finite element analysis, and hypersonics. Projects undertaken have included design, engineer, and manufacture structures, components, mechanical devices and assemblies, hypersonic integrated launch packages, and conventional and novel high-energy defense propulsion components, as well as innovative commercial products.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2020 2 OSD $1,725,000
Project Title: High Velocity Gun-Launched Projectile and Sabot Structures
2009 2 Navy $896,967
Project Title: Advanced Sabot System Design

Key People / Management

  Jeffrey M Kezerian -- President

Company News

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