Company Profile

Signalrx Pharmaceuticals Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/20/23      CAGE: 6SFS2      UEI: JXNMAWC5BY65

Business Identifier: Cancer drug development based on the inhibition of PI3 kinase
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

12545 El Camino Real Suite C
San Diego, CA 92130
   (808) 365-4124
Location: Single
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Public Profile

A clinical stage company with facilities and operations in San Diego, CA and in Omaha, NE, SignalRx Pharmaceuticals is structured around development effective anti=cancer treatments inducing the immune system to attack cancer while blocking the most important and critical cell signaling pathways that cancer cells use to proliferate, migrate, metastasize, and recruit a blood supply. Efforts of the principals are aimed at combining the maximum anticancer activity into the firm's drugs by selectively inhibiting as many important cancer targets as possible in a well-tolerated non-toxic manner where the immune system machinery of the patient is engaged to achieve maximum synergistic anticancer effects.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Donald Durden -- Founder and CEO

  Joseph R Garlich -- CSO

  Guillermo A Morales -- VP and Director of Research

Company News

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