Company Profile

Sierra Energy
Profile last edited on: 9/6/19      CAGE: 5FY08      UEI: NKLVTTNRPTJ4

Business Identifier: Waste gasification
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

221 First Street
Davis, CA 95616
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Yolo

Public Profile

Sierra Energy is a waste gasification and renewable energy company with worldwide patents focused on making waste gasification globally attainable and economically feasible. Organized round development of FastOx® gasification, a technology that turns trash into energy without burning, this sustainable solution is commercially available to meet the needs of the modern waste industry. Sierra Energy is commercializing its process FastOx gasifier, a simple derivative of the centuries-old blast furnace technology, an efficient and scalable gasifier with the capability to transform nearly any form of waste into clean renewable energy. With the widespread adoption and implementation of FastOx waste gasification, Sierra Energy is set up to create jobs, protect the environment, foster energy independence, and provide revenue for local municipalities and governments. The company continues to advance its technology and test new applications for gasification at the Sierra Energy Research Park in Davis, CA. with the firm's commercial facility is located in Monterey County, CA

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2015 1 DLA $96,240
Project Title: Low-Cost Renewable Hydrogen Manufacturing

Key People / Management

  Mike G Hart -- President & CEO

  Daniel Mark Dodd -- Vice President, Engineering

  Paul Gruber -- VP of External Partnerships

  Michael Kleist -- VP Business Development

  Russell Mcginnis -- Chief Information Officer

  Torgny Nilsson -- Executive Vice President, Secretary & General Counsel

  Mark Sargent -- Chief Financial Officer

  The Honorable Paula Stern -- Chief of Overseas Markets

  Rob White -- Hief Strategist

Company News

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