Company Profile

Sepragen Corporation
Profile last edited on: 4/20/18      CAGE: 61LZ5      UEI: EH6LYMLSJM18

Business Identifier: Liquid chromatography columns and other separation systems
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

1205 San Luis Obispo Avenue
Hayward, CA 94577
   (510) 475-0650
Location: Single
Congr. District: 13
County: Alameda

Public Profile

Providing service to the biotechnology and nutraceutical industries to meet their process development and manufacturing needs, Sepragen Corporation uses a patented radial flow and axial flow chromatography processes to makes liquid purification equipment that separates substances into their basic chemical components. Pharmaceutical companies and food and beverage makers use the equipment for such applications as purifying biological drugs, processing dairy products, and enhancing the protein content of infant formula. Sepragen products include liquid chromatography columns, chromatography workstations, software, and separations media. The firm's growing menu of products includes both downstream and upstream products - al patent protected, these products include chromatography columns and accessories, column packing systems, chromatography systems, chromatography resins and bioreactors. Sepragen has also developed and patented processes to isolate proteins from dairy whey, remove bitterness from citrus juices, isoflavones from soy and trace contaminants such as heavy metals and organics from process and ground water. Several of these processes have been licensed to third parties.

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Key People / Management

  Vinit Saxena -- President, CEO and CTO

  Salah Ahmed -- Director of Quality & Tech Support

  Renu Chabra -- VP Manufacturing and Engineering

  Henry "skip" Edmunds -- Acting CFO

  Randall Von Wedel