Company Profile

Sepax Technologies Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/18/22      CAGE: 48PB6      UEI: YGN1GVQGVEJ5

Business Identifier: Biotech firm offering ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and method development services
Year Founded
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Location Information

5 Innovation Way Suite 100
Newark, DE 19711
   (302) 366-1101
Location: Single
Congr. District: 00

Public Profile

Sepax Technologies Inc develops and manufactures products in the arenas of chemical and biological separations, biosurfaces and proteomics. Offering a unique range of analytical and process scale bioseparation products including 3um, 5um, and 10um silica based Zenix™ and SRT® SEC (Size Excusion Chromatography); 1.7, 3, 5, and 10 µm non-porous polystyrene/divinyl benzene (PS/DVB) polymer based Antibodix™ WCX and Proteomix® IEC. These products are developed for high resolution high efficiency analytical and process separation of MAb, Protein, Oligo, Carbohydrates, and various biologics. Sepax also manufactures SFC, HILIC, UHPLC and RP columns that aimed at solving customer’s small molecule separation challenges. Sepax offers custom-synthesis of surface coatings for capillary tubes, micro-channels and nano-particles. All investment to date (2022) in Sepax is Chinese: equivalent

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2012 2 DOC $389,999
Project Title: Anion Exchange Resins for Chirality-based Separation of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes

Key People / Management

  Xueying Huang -- President

  Anthony Sokol -- Business Development Manager

  Ke Yang

Company News

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