Company Profile

Sentinel Healthcare Corporation
Profile last edited on: 10/10/22      CAGE: 7VWT9      UEI: TMCXL6ZG2V81

Business Identifier: Remote monitoring of patients with hypertension
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

111 South Jackson Street
Seattle, WA 98104
   (812) 760-5313
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: King

Public Profile

Sentinel Healthcare offers a clinically-validated digital healthcare platform designed to enable remote monitoring and management of patients with high blood pressure and other chronic diseases. Leveraging the power of wearable technologies to improve outcomes for patients with chronic diseases, Sentinel has created a platform that monitors blood pressure data, makes actionable treatment recommendations, improves medication adherence and generates revenue for healthcare systems. Conceptualized and designed by physicians, Sentinel’s digital health platform enables health systems to continuously monitor patient data and deliver seamless, integrated care. Partnering with healthcare companies remotely to monitor and to deliver clinical recommendations to patients with high blood pressure, the firm reports shorten the time it takes to achieve blood pressure control from the standard of care (18-24 months) to as little as 2-3 months

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2019 1 NSF $224,646
Project Title: Mobile Health Platform for Malignant Hypertension Prediction

Key People / Management

  Nirav Shah -- Founder and CEO

  Rama Aysola -- Co-Founder and COO

  Michael Jue -- VP of Sales

  Noah Manders -- Chief Technology Officer

  Jorge Sanchez -- Chief Medical Officer

  Sarah Sutton -- PR & Marketing

Company News

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