Company Profile

Sensytec Inc
Profile last edited on: 11/20/2020      CAGE: 7T6P9      UEI: DTKKMLVM6SM3

Business Identifier: Cloud based structural health monitoring
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

5000 Gulf Freeway Building 4 Suite 230
Houston, TX 77045
   (832) 878-8540
Location: Single
Congr. District: 29
County: Harris

Public Profile

Addressing the issue of potential concrete failure, in real time Sensytech Inc's SMART CEMENT™ system provides detailed data on cement conditions from initial installation over the operational lifetime. Designated SensyRock(TM), the firm's primary resource is a rugged, mobile-based wireless sensor that is fully embedded in fresh concrete to monitor and provide data about the integrity of the concrete. The device measures in-place temperature, and resistivity to predict contamination levels and strength during construction and throughoutthe curing process. Monitoring, analyzing, and quantifying cement and concrete conditions using the firm's system, data on cracking, contamination, corrosion, stresses and temperature change properties is ongoing,.enabling the User to monitor exact status of their structures in real-time for a lifetime.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Ody Delapaz -- Co-Founder

  Mateo Mejia

Company News

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